2018 sums 11 (2+0+1+8= 11) and this initial reflection I felt that my mind wanted to stop...
What can I say about ELEVEN that is such a powerful and mysterious symbol?
And so my heart transmitted that this is the last time I will be writing about the "profile of the year" according to Tantric Numerology.
Writing is good, but it is precisely inspired by this symbol's 'energy' why I felt evocatively guided to move towards new approaches to reach out...
Nevertheless in the next paragraphs I will present my humble view, based on Tantric Numerology, about what the number ELEVEN symbolizes.
The GURU. In the Indian culture and the Yogic Philosophy of Kundalini Yoga, the Guru is the key figure of spiritual education.
Eleven is the Guru in Tantric Numerology as well.
What is the symbol of 11 telling us? Why is the Guru so important?
First and foremost, this symbol tell us about a Self-realized Transcendental Unity.
Eleven, written 11, is the metaphor of a bridge that we can transit. As we walk the bridge (with the Guru) we are able to reach within our mental tension and duality and resolve it.
The duality that is symbolised by the number 2.
In the calculation of Tantric Numerology, the number 11 is often reduce to number 2 (1+1=2).
So our psyches can sometimes, in its way to process, compute the qualities of either results… 11 or 2… the Guru, OR the duality/tension of the mind.
Which one would you choose? Which one are you naturally drawn to?
In the year 2018, you will probably have to face not only these symbols, but the qualities of them.
This year is a time-frame and symbol that we are all "subjected" to.
And the way we face the energy that this symbol transmits will determine the quality of the year we have ahead...
Undoubtedly the more we can understand about this symbols the more clarity we will have about the quality of the 2018. What will the year face us with?
Remember, "time" is not a matter of quantity alone (1, 2, 3, 11, 108, 2018 etc…) but a quality that affects us to experience "good" times, "bad" times, "difficult" times, "lucky" times, "blessed" times etc.
What can we expect from 2018?
Consciousness, Essence of the Guru and eleven...
The most popular meaning of Guru comes from its etymology: GU that stands for “darkness” and RU that stands for “light”.
This is the basic meaning of the binary nature of 11. Darkness and Light. A dual core that when combines One and One together transforms one's consciousness. This type of One and One together, 11, sparks Infinity in consciousness.
In other words this means that the impact of this real energy, the Guru's, expresses in your Consciousness when you:
_ come from a place of darkness to head towards a reality with light…
- when you are woken up from a never-to-be-fulfilled dream, to be guided towards a fulfilling wakeful path…
- when the challenge pushes you to emerge from the fears of your own shadows, to raise to the light of deep love.
(A love that is true, free and pure, that catapults you back into infinite bliss... this is known as "Wahe Guru" and expressed in this terms).
Although history has shown many gurus, the spiritual essence of a guru is not from this world.
Guru comes to history, to change history. Individual or collective history is never the same when the touch of the Guru reaches humanity. Because the energy of the Guru lives in the world, but is not worldly.
Spiritually speaking, Guru is not a woman, not a man and not a person either. Guru manifest through them all, and permanently, but it is not limited or exclusive to any. Needless to say that the Guru is not the monopoly of a religion or the exclusive mark of a culture.
Guru is the symbol of your higher guiding consciousness contained in all humanity. A guidance that has been available to humanity since inmemorial times...
Guru is your Christ-consciousness at work. The Guru is the inner voice of our heart's deepest truth.
Are you ready to listen for more? Because most likely 2018 will present you clear situations to meet and receive this crucial guidance...
The 11 qualities that the Guru is and teaches
What is the Guru doing? And how does the Guru do it?
1. Guru is simply one with a message
2. Guru feels no duality about any polarity and therefore has clarity
3. Guru knows the body, mind and spirit, as well as mysteries like the Trimurti or Holy Trinity
4. Guru meditates within the heart and overflows compassion towards all four corners
5. Guru embodies any true teaching and lives it exemplary; walking the talk...
6. Guru is the custodian and transmitter of Dharma, the path to grow and glow
7. Guru is the platform who elevates the energies of the seven chakras of others
8. Guru lives in harmony and flow with the infinite breath of life that heals humankind
9. Guru is a pure being, etheric and a master of the mystery of life
10. Guru is the self-realised and radiant soul in a human being
11. Guru’s grace is in the same vibratory tone with and beyond the Infinite glory of God.
These are the eleven qualities that have been met by all the true Gurus, men and woman, that our human history knows. Any person who has crystallised these qualities is known to be in oneness with the deepest human mystery. In this state they become the ones who impart the lessons to embrace the mystery of life that has elevated humanity from time to time... In other words, those who have embodied the energy of the Guru in this sense, have been able to deliver the experiential wisdom, the tools and the lifestyle to live in harmony with life's mystery.
Finally I want to share 5 insights for engaging 2018... Insights that this symbol and its energy have been conveyed to my heart and to share with the readers.
I share them because they are collective themes, that the Guru within you might resonate too...
Ultimately I have been moved by this energy and this voice and Guru's voice, at large, speaks to us all.
Are we all listening?! That is the question (ARE WE!?) and that is the action (LISTENING!) that will significantly determine how we see through 2018... and perhaps... throughout life...
My deepest insights for 2018
- Don't care who betrayed you, care not to betray yourself.
- Forgive those who hurt you, so, you stop hurting yourself.
- Meditate on the Kingdom of Heaven, so, the Heaven extends its Kingdom to your meditation.
- Ignore naysayers and seek support in deep listening as you breathe in peace and solitude.
- When you feel vulnerable, trust, and the strength and answers will come to you.
With love and peace,
Jivan Mukta, PhD.
PS: Read more about these theme by CLICKING HERE (An experts from Yogi Bhajan, PhD in the Summer Solstice in 1976).