By Jivan Mukta
Everything revolves around how things look like. And people consume precious time, energy and life projecting an appearance; or looking at the appearance of things...
It is a game, "The game of Appearance", where you judge and get judged by the looks, the impressions and the feelings aroused... In Sanskrit this is called "Maya", and it means the illusion of reality as things appear to be and how they are judged to be... It is when you see something and you think, "What is this?" And then your brain produces an answer, "it is good"... All based on looks, impressions and feelings. All as it appears to be.
But it does not have to be like this forever. Our brain and nervous system are design to perform on a deeper level. Because things change to us the moment we start to purge, and build a clear and stronger mind. In that moment the soul and consciousness have the opportunity to gain more space. And then you can show your most genuine reality and its parts. In all levels and senses. In that moment your judgement is de-conditioned from a binary type of thinking (Good-Bad; Right-Wrong, etc). This releases you from the pain of mental duality, the confusing appearance of things and the frustrations of our paradoxical world and our own humanity.
Conquer your own mind and learn to see with clarity. Cultivate the ability to see through anything and everything you experience. Make space for vision!
You won't need to think about a purpose... Because you will clearly see it! And indeed your consciousness will confirm it: everything has a purpose!
But remember, life is not always what it looks like. Thus never give away being yourself and trust your purpose. Even if self and purpose are invisible to you.
This is is called leading yourself to clarity and reality.
We all have a reality within that we must keep up exploring. No one will discover you if you do not dis-cover yourself... And do this while you make yourself immune to the inner and outer expressions of the Game of Appearances. When you truly explore, you can be pretty sure that sooner than later you will find a solid experience of truth, awareness and bliss within.