2021= EMBODY TO MANIFEST by Jivan Mukta


“Balance your thoughts with action. If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”

– Bruce Lee


In one of the modern approaches to Numerology[1], the number 5 represents the physical body, which is the place of embodiment and action of the human experience. But what is the human experience? What is the body capable of doing?

Roughly speaking, the body can be the vessel of a very rich or poor human experience. The power of the body can be directed towards wisdom and balanced living, or it can be used as the platform for sensory chaos and attachment to the material world. For any of these to happen, the physical body is the “hardware” of our experience. The concern, lack of concern or wrong type of concern with one’s body is the root of many maladies.  

The physical body, as understood in Yoga and Tantrism, can be used as a temple where we can meet and adore the Divine Self… In this sense, we meet the body’s potential to produce ecstasy of consciousness. But with the body we can gravitate towards ‘impious’ sensory indulgence. What matters is the life and use we give to our bodies. This ‘use’ determines the health, vitality and length of our life.

And having a physical body implies a tension. The body endures the struggle of material experience, it ages and becomes ill, it suffers stress and eventually stops functioning. The body is mortal. At the same time, it also self-heals and self-sustains vitality when we take good care of it... With our physical body we are granted the capacity to face the hardest tests, trials and unbearable sacrifices. Through the windows/holes of our 5 senses we act and in acting we become “holy” or “unholy”. The conditions that determine ‘holy’ or ‘unholy’ are not originally based on religious premises or ethical precepts.

We need to learn the importance of body awareness, without turning the body into a fetich or a jail.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Pentagram of the body, with 5 senses, 5 limbs and 5 Vayus (vital forces).

Some use their bodies mindfully with the intent of experiencing it as a platform or stage towards the Spirit, while others use their bodies to embrace the pleasures of the physical world.

Unholy means someone not whole, non-individuated, psychologically and emotionally disconnected. In this sense,. Unholy is to be subconsciously or unconsciously vulnerable to unknown hidden tendencies . Unholy is the fragmentation of one’s self into disconnected parts that distorts the psycho-somatic harmony . When parts obey different impulses and agendas, the consequence is malfunctioning as an incoherent whole. The unholy is limited in keeping all parts serving the same goal.  


2021 is a great example of how these symbols provide information that is not available to the conscious mind through logic. Logic, research, statistics and analysis can provide valuable information, but symbols are representations of the unconscious beyond the rational and that the reason cannot breakdown logically — a symbol is a transversal path to knowledge that is unavailable to linear thinking. In this way, number 5 is a symbol that bears connotations that are deeply rooted in cross-cultural and timeless collective unconscious.

I explained last year in the 2020 Numerology essay, some of the circumstances that have affected the 4 corners of the planet (in 2020=4) have drastically change life. 2020 was a grounding experience. But in 2021 the “1” of 2021 is the “One” that will make the difference... “1” represents a new beginning. Summing 5, 2021, is a messenger and a vehicle of manifestation, and most likely of a new collective phase. How?

Individually there will be a lot to see, feel and experience with our physical bodies. Think of these questions:

  • What is the physical body for you?

  • What function does it play in your life?

  • What is the level of your body awareness?

Collectively, a year 5 represents the collective body or bodies as institutions. In 2021 all sort of institutions will be in the spotlight. Deep shakes, test and changes will happen not only at the structure of our own bodies and body awareness, but also at the structure of cultural, economic and traditional institutions inherited from past centuries.

The Pentagon, famously known for preserving a nation, is equivalent to the immune system of the human body.

Amongst the many institutions that will go through test and trial, some will die to resurrect and others will simply disintegrate. Institutions that do not see the opportunity of a new beginning will miss to preserve their mission, history and utility. Among the many institutions that will have their time this year, those that “constitute”, or hold “constituents” together are the most important. But I will address here one of the institutions most associated to the number 5 — the educational institutions…


“If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

– Chinese Proverb

2021 is going to be a revolution in educational institutions. The role of ashrams, conventional classrooms, in-class instruction, local training, schools and even universities are changing dramatically. The future of education is going to emerge from the successful trials imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Online education, distant courses, homeschooling have transformed the dynamics of teacher-student relationship and the methods considered effective for educating oneself and others. 2021 will be an opportunity to sharpen our senses, discernment and best ‘studentship’ qualities...

One of the most or perhaps the most effective way to learn is through experience. It does not matter how one conceives the teacher-student relationship, or what school is attended, but without coming down to the real tangible experience, education is mere instruction. We really learn when our body (and not just the mind) is engaged and absorbing the lessons… Numerologically, it is known that years that sum up five, are open windows into various sort of experiences that can lead to truth and wisdom. For example, 2003 was the year when Human Genome Project gave us a window into our human constitutive architecture.


Discipline yourself and you will wake up your body’s inner light. Eat, sleep, exercise, breathe and enjoy life in a balanced manner. If you ignore the material needs of your body you won’t be able to enjoy the spiritual potential that the body can support. The body is the hardware for us to exist. Each cell of our body dies in a cyclical term and new cells are produced daily. The complete renovation of the cells of the body takes approximately 7 years. This means that if habits are changed and new promoting habits persists, a person will have new body in 7 years!

Your body is the concrete ground in which to produce real changes. The mind and the body are intermingled and if the body is healthy, vital, strong and light, then you will feel good and comfortable within your own skin. Sometimes a simple workout can change the mood!

We must be aware that we permanently receive various forms of stimulation through the body, and without self-regulation too much stimulation can lead to diseases... This will be a theme for everyone to observe and especially for those who have one or more fives in their personal numerology... Be cautious about what you take in and how you preserve your health and energy. The body has an innate wisdom and it cries for the natural, fresh and healthy!

Simple healthy lifestyle… to a large extent, that is what it takes to have a strong immune system.


A year that sums up 5 is always very special for those who have 5 in their Numerological charts.

If you know your chart or the chart of someone who has a 5, the following lines are key things to consider.

Numerological chart with only fives…

In Soul

Calculated by summing the numbers of the day you were born: for example on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month. This year will be so important for you. It is a chance to become or consolidate who you are in your essence. To learn the importance of staying balanced within yourself. The chance of modelling your life according to what you are. To open to the wonderful capacity to give and share. To ascertain that your very presence inspires others and sheds light into how to live and move through life. You are an example. You are a teacher. Don’t miss this opportunity, this year you are meant to solve the struggles within you own soul. Excesses, attachments, sensory indulgence, self-punishment, guilt and remorse, are some of the issues that 5 in ‘Soul Number’ in year 5 will bring to light.

In Karma

5th month. In 2021 you will be facing issues that generate friction, conflict, and dysfunctionality with others. The relationships that come from a physical plane, those who are bonded by family ties, are going to especially become important this year. Those born in May, need to take care of their bodies, their family and relatives. Old issues and struggles could possibly become acute this year. Let go of attachments. This offers an opportunity to bring relationships to a new balance and overcome power struggles. Those with a 5 in this placement must make extra efforts and eventually sacrifices (or stop sacrificing in some cases!) to bring about the needed balance and resolutions.

In Gift

Calculated by summing the 2 last digits of the year of birth: 2014, 2005, 1995, 1986, 1977, etc. This is a year of opportunities. To learn, to teach, to transmit your wisdom or absorb it from others teaching it. An opportunity to bring your body to balance and health, to overcome addiction — to sugar or other toxic substances... Enrol in a course, educate yourself! This year you probably see many opportunities to reprogram your cellular memory, purify your body through fasting, diet, exercises, yoga or other methods. Use your gift with determination na discipline.

In Destiny

Calculated by summing the year of birth: for example 2021, 2012, 2003, 1994, 1985, 1976, etc) this year is a chance to complete important projects... These are some of the things that can happen to you: the initiation in very important studies, the meeting with an important teaching or teacher, the completion or final resolution of an educational plan or program, the consolidation as a teacher, the graduation as a student of some sort. The opportunity to embody a teaching, the achievement of a new balance in life and a better grip of the body-mind dynamics. Be attentive! you have the chance to reach a higher plateau in your body awareness and physical healing is very possible for those whose destiny number is 5.

In Path

This is the sum of the total of all the numbers of the date of birth (for example, 31/9/1990= 5). This is your year, or very closed to it! Certainly not for free, the possibilities always come along with tests and examinations. Expect trials! But trust, you will most likely have all you need to progress in 2021. Stay sharp. Be ready to manifest your purpose. Balance yourself and get ready to go through the tests in order to have the life you were designed to have .

No 5 in your numerology?

In that case the year can present circumstances like any of the ones above-mentioned. The numbers that someone has in their numerological chart do not limit or determine that person by those symbols/numbers alone. A year 5 speaks of the energy and qualities of a symbol that operates in the unconscious of everybody. The symbology of 5 and all its richness is rooted in the deep wealth of human spirit and like all symbols this is always available in our deep psychology.


“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”

- Albert Einstein

Throughout history men and women have explored the windows that our body provides to engage a deeper connection. Among all the techniques that have been used throughout the recent history, the energetic regulation of the breath, and the subtle yet powerful interplay of breath, movement and word are one of the most effective ways to hack the body’s ordinary process. The power of the spoken word is a powerful outlet of interior experience, and as we speak we become… 

Tune your body as an instrument of truth and authenticity.

If you have seriously considered changes in your life, you will achieve the best results when you increase your vitality and shift your body’s vibration through the power of the word. The state of the body can be affected by the sounds we produce. The physical body not only has 5 sensory organs that are windows to experience life, but also it has the subtle energy centers to bring about a different manifestation of reality.

Especially when those sounds are powerful mantras and words of power… The word can deeply affect the mind and heart of oneself and others. Mantras are words of power that awaken the subtle energy of the Vishuddha Chakra or the lotus of the Fifth Chakra (Throat chakra). This center of energy regulates the metabolic process of the body and thyroid. The Fifth chakra boosts the creative force of the words we speak.

The Throat Chakra, the 5th center of energy. The outlet of manifestation.

Speak the truth. That is the core secret of the science of frequencies and their impact. Be true to yourself. That is the key to live comfortable in your own skin. This year is an invitation to be mindful about how sensitive your body is and how easily it can get polluted or stuck.

If you wish to achieve your goals in 2021, use your body wisely and live up to your word. Learn to sit in peace and silence, so your body can sharpen its sensory capacity. Sooner or later, with your vibe you will manifest your ideas, dreams or inner potential. Your body is designed to take you through the material experience of being human, and it will give you the platform for your spirit to rise!

Blessings in 2021!,

Jivan Mukta

Gran Canaria 29th of December 2020.



- Read more about the numbers in a nutshell clicking here

- Check the numerological essay of 2020 clicking here

- Book a consultation with Jivan Mukta on numerology and astrology or a healing session

[1] Tantric Numerology as conceived by Tantric Master Yogi Bhajan.