Ten Dimensions of the One, the art of Numerology.
By Jivan Mukta
One is the root of all and All is 1.
1 is the origin of polarity= 2.
1 is the source of trinity that creates, organises and destroys the universe= 3.
1 is the start and destination of all four directions= 4.
1 is the trigger stimulating the senses of the physical body= 5.
1 is the focus that awakens the sixth sense= 6.
1 is the composer of the seven notes and the magnetic beauty of the colours= 7.
One is the One that infuses life from finite to infinite and vice versa= 8.
1 sustains the subtle architecture of the Multiverse, with 9 doors to access the whole human experience= 9.
1 is All there is at the same time as 1 is Nothingness= 10.
… and
1 and only 1 is the Supreme Master who sits in eternity and infinity here and hereafter= 11.
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